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Thread: 22 LR blues

  1. #1
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    Unhappy 22 LR blues

    CMP update,
    AGUILA .22LR DELIVERY STATUS. The Aguila ammunition distributor, TX-AT, has informed CMP that due to the massive nationwide Rimfire shortage deliveries to CMP will only be a few hundred cases every 4-6 weeks and it may take another year to receive all the .22LR ammunition we currently have on order with them. When this ammo is received, customers who had orders already placed with the CMP will be contacted to determine if they wish to pay the increased price per case or if they wish to cancel their orders. Customers with oldest orders will be contacted first. Until all existing orders have been filled, CMP will not accept any new orders for Aguila .22LR.
    Just pasing along the rimfire nightmare news.
    Let him grow, Shoot a doe !

  2. #2
    Really sad.
    I just ordered a quantity (non-hoarder quantity) of TulAmmo yesterday. I could have ordered 20K if I wanted to.......
    Not cheap, but available.......


  3. #3
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    Got a pile of Aguila a few weeks ago and a couple bricks of Fed Match too. I'm fortunate my area is really coming along nicely with supplies. And yes, it will all be shot up in near future. Not a hoarder but some of the guys wanna point blame.

  4. #4
    I got my shipment of TulAmmo from CND the other day. I haven't shot any yet, but if it shoots as good as it looks (ha ha) it will be great.
    Not cheap, made in Serbia. Hey, this is a world economy!


  5. #5
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    I have been trying to buy 22lr for 14 months WTF !!

  6. #6
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    Picked up Marlin 60 SS W/S just before x-mas been able to pick up a box here an there since. But shelves are usually empty.

    Been watching for subsonic or old school standard and shorts for use in relics. But haven't been in the right places at the right time for.those. Couple times I have seen em my wallet was running flat n they always gone on payday.

  7. #7
    Team Savage
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    check with AMMOFAST. COM lot of 22lr there


  8. #8
    I'm able to find 50rnd boxes for $5 at the LGS, no bulk boxes yet. Or if they get em, they break it down to smaller amounts or they're sold before I know they have it.

    As for Wally World and the like, I have a job, responsibilities, and AM NOT A HOARDER. So I can't go at 4 AM with all my welfare dollars(aka kids and cousins) to buy out their stock. When I go to the counter, I'll ask for .40 and get a couple 50rnd boxes, then I ask for .22 and they lose their mind over it...SAD!

    Last time I was there:

    Me: Have any 22 ammo as well?
    Dude: 22 ammo?! What's that?!
    Me: You're 100% sure you have NO 22 ammo in this entire store? -found this cool website that supposedly says how much they have at each store *yeah right!* but I'll try anything at this point
    Dude: Not out here(motions to cabinets behind him)
    Me: Can you look in the back please? Or call someone to check?
    Dude: We already put out the truck and there wasn't even more .40 on it.
    Me: Ok. That's cool, not a problem. But, if it's not "out here", where is it?
    Dude: We keep it in the manager's office, and I don't go in there unless I'm in trouble.
    Me: Can you ask the manager then?
    Dude: Nah, man. I'm on thin ice.
    *I'm, at this point, thinking "Darn right you're on thin ice! I should come across the counter and ring your skinny neck!"
    Me: Alright. Thanks for nothing, have a good day!

    He avoided, at all costs, helping me out. This is just one instance with ONE employee that I took time to remember and post here. There are 2 others that have done the same crap to me on several occasions before. Not to mention the Wally World in town...sheesh! At least at Dick's, they're courteous and tell you the hoarders have beaten you to the ammo.

    I think I'll have to stick with paying a buck or two more at the LGS and just forget about bulk buys til things relax.
    Last edited by mazda3gun; 02-25-2014 at 11:30 AM. Reason: filter got me

  9. #9
    Mazda3gun, excellent, we are like minded. A lady I know that works at the local WM Superstore, told me yesterday, there is a crowd around the Sporting Goods counter starting about 7 AM. Since they don't put out the ammo until 9 AM, the crowd is pretty big.

    I have read on other threads where some WM employees were fired for 'stashing' the ammo for themselves or their buddies.

    My most sincere hope is that all these hoarders get stuck with a 'hoard' of .22 LR that they paid too much for to start off with, in hopes of flipping it.
    Then, the other 1/2 if me says, "that's free enterprise", the American way", blah, blah.

    I don't care, really. I was one of those 'guys' that bought a bulk box once and a while before this stupidity started. I have a lifetime's supply......

    BTW, I moved to Fl from Ky 10 years ago. I 'thought' that all the trucks with "BIG TARS" (tires), were still up north. Since this area is about 20 years behind the reality curve, the guys here put on them 'big tars', right after they take the mufflers off. Of course, when they go out, they wear their 'good, dress' ball caps! ha ha


  10. #10
    Oh, there's rednecks nationwide! Being a hillbilly is a birthright and it's with you for life! They still have big tires on their trucks where I reside, there's an epidemic of diesel trucks now though...
    In FL though, there's this strange part of the state that the accent reminds me of northern OH/Chicago/Philly type sounds. Weird...
    As for the time frame, my understanding is that it's 'available' at the beginning of every shift, so 3 times a day. I've got just shy of 1,000 rounds of 22, same for 40, and keeping an eye out for 12ga and 30-06 deals. Probably enough 22 for what I do for a year or so.
    It seems that other parts of the country have started to come out of the slump. Just waiting for the wave to come this way.

  11. #11
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    lately i have had no problem finding .22lr around here hell i'm even pointing people to where it is in just the last 2 weeks i picked up 2 325 tins and 2 bricks of 500 its not of for you to see you have to ask for it and they limit me to 2 a day

  12. #12
    Team Savage stomp442's Avatar
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    I haven't even seen a box of 22 bullets of any size for well over a year now. Can't wait for the days of being able to go to the store and pick up a brick for a day of plinking to come back.

  13. #13
    What gets me is I do a lot of 'asking' about the availability and/or limits on how much you can buy. I also explain to the clerk, I DON'T want to buy any, just asking. So, I go to my local watering hole and tell my buddies (who have NO idea I'm NOT buying any):
    "you can get some at Gander Mtn, but the limit is 2 boxes" (couple of stores, a little over an hour away)
    Then, the have the nerve to ask:
    "get me a couple next time you're there". "want the $ now?"
    I guess they think I'll drive a couple of hours so they can have ME buy their ammo!


  14. #14

    With the exception of Wally World, 22LR is available at LGS's in my area(I think the hoarders can't get 'Bulk Buys' at the LGS so they don't go there), there are wait periods at the LGS's but it does come in. In fact, one of them took my name/number last week and held a box for me that I picked up yesterday when it came in!
    A coworker frequents that same store and told me they ordered 1k rounds for him, Rem Thunderbolt, and they'll hold it for him too. Priced @ $25 per 500 I believe.

    It's out there folks, just quit hoarding and buying from Walmart so the rest of us WHO ACTUALLY SHOOT IT INSTEAD OF STOCKPILING can have some 22 love too! Squirrels are tasty and 22 shooting is less painful than my 30-06 and 12ga...


  15. #15
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    Several shops around here have plenty of .22LR, but they are gouging bad. Seems that the guys you see in line at WalMart, Academy, Sportsman's, etc. are buying all they are allowed and then taking it to these gougers and doubling their money. Buy it for $20 at Walmart, sell it to the gougers for $40, and the gougers sell it for $60-$70. I am not playing that game and I will never go back into those stores. My memory will not fail when the shortage is over.

  16. #16
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    What if it don't ?
    Let him grow, Shoot a doe !

  17. #17
    Picked up 2 more 50rnd boxes at the same LGS, no limit on 'em either!

    Has bricks for $49.98, Blazer HV, LRN 40gr
    If I had $50, I would've bought one.

  18. #18
    The thing is you have thousands of people buying extra ammunition that they wouldn't normally buy they see something and buy it weather they need it or not. I have manage to buy what I need when I need it. Having said that I do not shoot 1000's of rounds per year. Those who are stock piling will eventually get left holding ammunition they don't want or need. This is what happened with Ar's for a while I had friends picking them up in like new condition for a prayer. There has been a large influx of new shooter to add to the shortages who are doing a lot of shooting. Many of those will eventually cut back in the amount of shooting that they do. Its like every thing else new, many will go like crazy when it is new to them but start to loose interest. Prices are another thing they might come back down a little, but because the dollar is so weak we are probably stuck. As far as those price gouging all you can do is what I do if I am needing something. Have everything set up for quick searches and keep after it every chance you get and beat those doing the price gouging .

  19. #19
    New Member A_Gamehog's Avatar
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    Why pay inflated prices?

    they have lots of 22lr in stock in many places...lots of reloading Powder/Primers/Bullets/Brass
    Savage Target custom 204 Ruger McGowen Barrel 1-11 //Savagel Target custom 223 Rem McGowen Barrel 1-9//Savage Model 16 22-250AI McGowen 1-9

  20. #20
    Administrator J.Baker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by A_Gamehog View Post
    Why pay inflated prices?

    they have lots of 22lr in stock in many places...lots of reloading Powder/Primers/Bullets/Brass
    Based on everything I'm seeing there it's all market up at least 50% over "normal" price which makes it just as inflated as anywhere else.
    "Life' is tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid." ~ John Wayne
    “Under certain circumstances, 
urgent circumstances, desperate circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer.” —Mark Twain

  21. #21
    +1, Mr. Baker!!!!

    Sounds like an uber-shameless website plug...
    The only place you won't get ripped off, is in a store that isn't inflating, provided they have any in stock.

    It's making a comeback here in Eastern KY. All ammo is, to a degree.

  22. #22
    Team Savage stomp442's Avatar
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    Well I actually found some sunday morning. I talked to the gal that works the sporting goods at my local walmart and she told me that they were expecting some on sunday and that I should be there early to beat the "same old guys" that are there every morning. Well I arrived at 6am and was still 3rd in line. Guys in front of me were talking about how much ammo had been coming in this past week so I asked them what they were doing with it all and of course they say they just shoot a lot. I called their bs and told them it was guys like them thats making it so hard for the average guy that would just like to go plink every once and awhile. He then told me he had no sympathy for anyone without 22 ammo and that they can come in early everyday like he does and get it. Well as the ammo was brought out from the back at 7am he made a phone call and simply said its here and within minutes 5 or 6 guys come barreling in to join the already large group of people. They had a three box limit per customer and I was able to score three 550 federal bulk packs at $24.97/box last time I was able to get a bulk pack cost me $14.97. I stuck around after I made the purchase just to see what would happen and sure enough the guy in front of me starts trying to sell the ammo he just bought to the guys that were unlucky enough to get some. What a piece of work

  23. #23
    stomp442, consider yourself lucky that the employee even told you a time AND a day. I've forgotten Walmart for 22, I'll buy their 40, but no 22's anymore.
    I couldn't hold my composure nearly as well as you did either, I would've probably gotten kicked out and got no ammo lol!

    The one LGS here will apparently order and hold as many bulk boxes of Remington you want @ $35 per 500rnds. Best deal I've seen anywhere. Wally may be cheaper, but I work for a living 8-5 Mon-Fri, so standing in line when trucks show up aren't on my schedule. I'm not much of a morning person, so weekends are no good either.

  24. #24
    New Member A_Gamehog's Avatar
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    Sounds like an uber-shameless website plug..
    If you had sense you would now that link actually sends you to a compilation of 20-40 websites. Not one specific. lol !!!
    Savage Target custom 204 Ruger McGowen Barrel 1-11 //Savagel Target custom 223 Rem McGowen Barrel 1-9//Savage Model 16 22-250AI McGowen 1-9

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