Frank you are not old I will be 69 next month, been retired 6 years. I do believe I am starting to get a handle on this flu thing, as far as the temp goes the temp around here has been anywhere from -14 at night to 9 during the day, it is supposed to get to 23 today but back down to -10 tonight and a high of -2 Mon or Tue . I have a BIL that lives in Jacksonville but I haven't been to his place.

Scope since I have retired a lot of people avoid me as I dealt with a lot of unsavory people and it did not end up too good for them. I don't go out much as I am really sort of a loner. When I worked selling for a car dealership a fellow I went school with came in and he asked my manager how I did and my boss said he does good, my friend said surprises me I went all through school with him and never heard him say more than 4 words. But when you are forced to make a living for your family you have to expand.