LeeH, if you don't change the sear position, then you are not changing the cocking piece pin location when cocked.
The bolt assembly screw pushes on the cocking piece sleeve and this compresses the firing pin spring. If you change the effective length of the bolt assembly screw you change the firing pin spring preload.
If you adjust the cocking piece, you adjust firing pin travel.
Adjusting firing pin travel changes the amount of firing pin spring compression.

If anyone wants my two cents on this thread, here goes.
Fred gave us his idea of using the 38 case bolt lift kit. It simply works. There is basically zero friction there with this kit.
Fred has warned us many times that consistent ignition is important. Leave the firing pin spring alone, this rifle needs 25lbs of spring pressure.
To lower the lifting effort more than a 38 case kit, you would need a roller cocking piece pin.
If, for some reason, you want the bolt to lower better, break the edge and polish the notch that holds the rear baffle in place.