Quote Originally Posted by LureM In View Post
Oh I have done pillar bedding, I've got a lathe and made some custom ones and did a tutorial on here about it, wouldnt it be unproductive to pillar bed the accustock I would think since its a 3d bedding system anyway, The action is actually clamped in the aluminum block so pillars wouldnt really do much?

I was more comparing it to glass bedding since the 3d accustock essentially is trying to do the same thing.
I never meant to suggest pillar bedding the accustock. What I meant to say was it would likely be much more work to remove the aluminum bedding in the accustock and try to install it into the tacticool stock than it is worth. Tacticool is a wood laminate stock. If you go with the tacticool, just bed the action (including pillars) and the barrel channel so the barrel is free floated. I don't see any advantage to trying to use an aluminum skeleton in the tacticool, especially one designed for a different stock.

Oops! I see I DID say bed the Accustock. I meant bed the Tacticool. Sorry.