yeah, I was thinking a spiral flute, Im not a big fan of the fishnet, looks like it would be a ***** to clean if anything got in there.

I got 4 20" barrels and 2 24" ones

I need to pick up those parts as I want to start to tinker with the guns a bit, I also want to set the headspace at an absolute mininum.

I am really debating bondo jobbing my synthetic stock on one of them anyway to see hoe that comes out. Just cant bring myself to buy a 500+ dollar stock when my entire rifle didnt cost that lol. Plus I really want to use the 3d bedding system in these stocks it looks really well designed and Savage designed it specifically for these actions with i assume alot of RD and time involved so I dont think any other chassis system could really improve on it much.... opinions?

I just dont like the look and feel of the standard stock.

I mean one of the guns I want to be my range queen so if I can get that low of groups from that i am all for it, Just wondering if loading my own ammo would produce around the same result without spending that money on 'vodo' I may or may not see.

Thanks! I grabed all I could. I may just shoot all of them keep the best of the 3 and sell the rest lol...