Quote Originally Posted by thomae View Post
After the first use, instead of throwing it away, I simply reuse the pad but use toothpaste (which is a very mild abrasive) as the abrasive. It really does not matter what kind of toothpaste. I spray a little water on the lens with a spritzer bottle, and then go to town with the toothpaste on the pad chucked in my drill. About a minute per lens is all it takes.

Meguires makes a UV headlight protectant (http://www.meguiars.com/en/automotiv...ht-protectant/) that I bought at Wal Mart, but i don't know if it really does anything, because I used it for the first time today.

I do pretty much the same, but I use Mequires plastic polish with a few drops of water on a foam pad. After polishing I give them a coat of Colloinite Super Doublecoat wax.
