if you where closer to spokane i would show you how i do it. just get a few different color matte finish colors preferably that match what youre wanting to hunt in. maybe grab some vegitation(grass, leaves, what ever) maybe practice on some butcher paper to figure out what color you want in wich layer. make sure your scope, bolt whatever you dont want painted is taped up, and do like they said earlier 8-10" away and keep it moving over the surfaces. when you use the veg just hold it up against the stock, and lightly shoot over it a few passes, and it will eventualy blend or look the way you want it. i useualy use a bit of the textured paint just so it breaks the surface up a bit. i have done quite a few stocks, and whole guns just remember if you get to a point where you dont like what you have going on stop. i have had that happen and i think it looks worse if you just keep going on and on with layers.