The big issue with boyds doing custom work is all there work is Cnc so you have to do the R&D to get the cad drawing done, make the tool paths, check fit, make adjustments in the models and tool paths until it's all right. It just takes time and money they have to evaluate whether that investment is worth it for a limited market. Often times taking just the bolt cut and the bolt release cut out usually takes rebuilding a considerable amount of the model and re working the tool paths so more money. They also have become large enough like said that they have to maintain there projected production levels and not be tying machines up on the R&D work that may not pay the bills.

I'm a lefty and want the same stocks that the right handed guys can get, and it's frustrating not to be able to. I am a piss poor wood worker but if boyds doesn't come out with the laminate tacticool I I'm going to grab a couple blanks and see what I can't tear up.