Thermaler the honest truth is no book,video or youtube is going to help, may show the basics but thats it. Even a friend over your shoulder isn't much help. Until you have done it a couple of times expect a MESS, until you get a system of some sort expect a MESS.
Almost all of us hunters have been in your shoes,lets face it there is always a FIRST TIME. Go hunting, make your shot count then worry about it.
Two things you must have a sharp knife and a good bright light that will last( extra batteries). Then pack a pair or three surgical gloves, a packet of baby wipes(for you not the deer), 10-12 feet of rope for dragging out, a small towel to wipe the sweat off as you drag, a couple or 3 cold beers when you get home but definately some water with you.
Just Do it. Then show us the pics of your trophy.
I'm 61 and have hunted for 40 some years and can still remember the first deer I shot and most of the hunts I went on solo and with friends. Don't deny yourself the memories, go for it & good luck.