Quote Originally Posted by BillPa View Post
Not really. The reason the cases drop off is because the ejector spring has been over compressed, bent or both. ( refer back to my picture)

With the old style ejectors there is nothing but the spring to stop its rearward travel. When that happens the spring is damaged and cannot keep sufficient tension on the ejector and keep a case pressed against the lug recess until if clears the port. Even installing a .140" extractor detent ball won't correct that condition.

The follower(tail) on the new style ejector limits it's rearward travel, so it can't over compress the spring and keeps it straight. It a cheap fix for five bucks, $3 for the ejector, $2 for the spring and five minutes to install them.

Thanks Bill for advice it is greatly appreciated. So just to be clear, buying the ejector... will it be the new style or do I have to specify so.(is it a replacement ejector)?

Again THANKS !!!