Quote Originally Posted by TC6969 View Post
Oh I knew.

I just didn't care!
I am glad you got away with it but you might care if you knew what the penalty is for improper shipping. I had a guy near Pittsburgh who wanted some of my WSM ammo and I told him I would ship it for $30 (ammo & shipping). What a screwing I was giving him (according to him). The same guy who whined about having a B.Mag and no ammo to sight it in. Well after he cried a river I told him that I could save him $15 shipping but I would risk a 250,000 fine and 5 years imprisonment and never being able to own or purchase a fire arm again not to mention the time and money spent/lost in court. He didn't change his mind but I did change mine. I wouldn't sell him a spend cartridge for a million dollars. Then he started spreading around that web forum how I was putting it to him and actually naming me. I replied to those posts. Some people understood and saw it my way some people didn't. Obviously the mods didn't, I ended up banned, permanently. A lot of that going around these days for me. Oh well, I am not in jail, I am not a felon and as I told the little schmuck before I got banned, I have 17WSM ammo, "you" do not, suck it up.

I am not sure what the penalty is but I expect it is close to what the ammo is. You can get away with things a few times but the more you do something the more likely it will be found out. Had I actually dropped a firearm off at a retail shipper or UPS store or USPS office (which I have never done any of the listed) I would never admit to it anywhere.