Quote Originally Posted by thermaler View Post
The whole brake/comp thing is another world--I've heard so many different things about them from they're great to they will totally mess up your velocity and accuracy. Like most things in the gun business, there is a huge variety of varying quality. My understanding is that the angle-back ports are "old-school" and not very common these days. My requirement of brakes is very simple: I want the scope picture to stay put through the shot so I can see fall of shot and quickly follow-up. I'm going to try these and I'll let you know how it works out: http://wittmachine.net/index.php?mai...gqla4inm8991f0
I would be very interested to see how well they work for you, I don't personally own a brake but I have shot several friends guns that do have them and they told me that as far as accuracy and velocity goes it's really just a total crapshoot. They told me that it will do one of three things: 1. highly improve your accuracy, 2. completely ruin your accuracy/velocity, or 3. it will do absolutely nothing to either of those things. They also said that it will vary from gun to gun even if they are the exact same guns from the factory it could effect them differently. Please let us know as I have also been curious about just how well these clamp on's work.