Moe reminded me of this thread.
After having it together for awhile and getting it adjusted to where I want, it is great. I love this stock. I finally got it painted.

Prep was a full rifle wipe down with rubbing alcohol. Then I taped off the scope and places I didn't want any paint. I just used Krylon Camoflage series. (Hind sight, I should have spent the extra for the duracoat at $75, It still would have gotten a paint job over it for the full rifle.) Tip for painting, use multiple coats of the same color before throwing the second/third color on.

Taped off and sage over the olive green.

A few sprays of brown. Now to let it dry before I take the tape off.

It was a PITA removing the tape

Not the greatest but hey, it's Krylon, either sand blast or give it extra coats.