Since you are new to the forum, I'll insert my standard welcome blurb:

Welcome. I think you will like this forum. Lots of helpful folks are here willing to help you out.
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For what it's worth, many of the questions you may have (either now or in the future) may already have been answered, so please try searching for answers. If you don't find what you need, please don't hesitate to ask in the appropriate section of the forum.
In general, you usually aren't the first person to not know something or to have a specific issue. We've all been there at one time or another and are happy to help you learn from OUR mistakes instead of making your own.
- We also look forward to learning from YOUR experiences.

Again, welcome.

Now, I must admit that I had to pull my mind out of the gutter when I read the title of your post .

If you do more reading you will find a number of ways (most involve polishing surfaces that rub against each other) to smooth out the feel of the bolt, but frankly, Savage rifles are known for their heavy bolt lift. A Time and True job will help smooth everything out, but not everyone is willing to pay for that.