Quote Originally Posted by stangfish View Post
Yobuck, you seem to have a lot of knowledge on the subject. Are you a shooting instructor? Sniper or sniper/long range hunter trainer/educator? A fella could learn a lot from you.
no im none of the above. the knowledge i have is as a result of time spent doing this type of shooting.
ive also been fortunate to have had some very good mentors. in the early 70s our camp in nc pa
made the decision to change our method of hunting. that based on observation of others who were more
successful than we were. yes long range hunting is a form of sniping. for that reason some traditionilst
are turned off by it. contrary to the belief of some it does not require spectacular marksmanship abilities.
average guys can do very well at surprising distances. it does require a willingness to spend money on
specialized equiptment. the gun frankly is not the most important peice of equiptment.