I sold a VLP stock to a guy from Canada about a year ago. I told him he'd have to pay for shipping. Well, I went to the PO to get the shipping info and got handed a paper to fill out (guess for like a customs station), was told that I cannot insure the item since it is handed over to a different postal carrier, and cannot do a delivery confirmation(understandable for same reason). The shipping cost on my end was I believe around $40, with no guarantee it would ever get there, and no insurance to cover it if it dont.

For some strange reason the guy was still OK with it and agreed, and also said he has to pay a shipping charge on his end that would be atleast $40 if not more.

Took him 3 weeks to get me the money, and it took the stock over a month to get to him. It was just a total PITA and I wont do it again, but atleast he got it.

If companies have to go thru that maybe that is why most wont ship there.