Quote Originally Posted by yobuck View Post
i may have stated this here but it could have been another site.
last fall my son bought a vortex viper i believe 6x24 side focus scope.
he bought it from euro optics in montoursville pa. he like me lives in florida
but hunts from our camp in pa. he had the scope shipped directly to the camp
and i installed it. i couldnt bore site the scope with the windage knob. it just didnt move
the reticle when the knob was turned. next day was first day of bear season so we emailed
euro optics while out hunting. my son wasent due to arrive till later in the week in time for deer season.
that evening a factory rep called me at the camp. he told me he knew the problem with the scope.
he asked that we loosen the rings while he was on the phone. we did and the windage tracked just fine.
he said 15 inch pounds of torque on the ring screws max. no tightening them to they might break as i had done.
that is the only vortec scope weve owned. i wont comment as to how good it is at this point due to the brief period
weve used it. it is mounted on a 338x378 16# gun. we have run the thing up and down quite a few times while shooting
at distances out to 1500 yds. it has performed flawlessly so far. the rep told me every vortex scope is checked before they
leave the factory. for sure the one we had was and it worked or it wouldnt have been boxed. i appriciate the dealers effort
as we had never purchased anything there before. and i appriciate the rep in getting right on it and getting us straightened out.
for the record i have 2 friends who last year sent their nightforce scopes back due to parralex issues. the scopes were returned
stating nothing was wrong with them. neither of the owners torqued the ring screws. till this incident i had never torqued a
ring screw in my life.
I read that story once before. I have a few Vortex scopes. The one time I had any trouble was with a Crossfire. It wouldn't hold up on my 30.06. Vortex emailed a pick up ticket & had a new one back to me by the 8th day. No fees. No charges. No $15 shipping & handling.
I've had great service from the scopes & their Customer Service has been one of the best to deal with.
I think even if I had the extra cash to buy a high end Leupold, I'd look at the Vortex products first. They've done me righteous.