Quote Originally Posted by RyanG View Post

Yes sir it does. They dont lay flat... if that makes any sense.... I removed the mag and turned the lips in a little and moved the rounds forward in the mag box.... they now lay flat and seem to load ok..... I just have to make sure that they are not at the back of the mag...
It seems your on the right track with the feed lips. You may have to adjust them a bit more.

Along with the lips also try reducing the follower spring tension. You only need enough to move a cartridge up into position so the bolt can pick it up and "push" it smoothly out of the magazine. Too much also seems to force them out of position.

Its why I made this piece of Hi-Tech gadgetry.

It allows me to see what's happening and make any adjustments without having the mag on the action.

I don't know if this helps, but may give you a few ideas to try.
