2 hours before and after daylight are best, use distress sounds until you master howling, scout the areas in which you will be hunting. google earth the areas in which you will be hunting so you have a plan before you ever set boots on the ground. watch the wind. always have downrange open and try to work crosswinds. if the wind is wrong or the snow is crunchy stay at home. stealth is key, get all your gear prepared before you get to your hunting location. take your coyote rifle to the range and shoot it off hand, sticks, sitting, and on a knee coyotes usually dont give you time to set the bench up to stabalize your shot. take a rifle and shotgun with you if your hunting alone each tool has a specific use and one doesnt do the others job well. make sets between 15-30 mins. its late season so if you have an E-caller start out soft with the volumn and as the time passes turn it up louder. coyote vocalazations work very good this time of year but if your using an E-caller make sure to read up and listen to what the howls sound like so you dont send the wrong sound. its luck of the draw really camo, cover scent, stealth, a good shooting rifle, are all key things. i like to sit up against a tree with my extra tall bipod out and my gun shouldered and pointed in the direction i think they will come from less movement the better. i hope i covered a few things in here i know i didnt go into great detail. i hope a more experienced or more successful hunter will chime in here for you and add some light good luck and shoot straight.