Quote Originally Posted by goinssr View Post
broken6r....this is really a great thing that you are doing for your friend. Wish I had a friend that thought that much of what I do for them. Now...Do you realize what you have cost me?! I've been snooping around this thread for a while and really like what you have put together, so I'm out and about today and found a BNIB Stevens 200 in 7mm-08 for $279. Guess what I brought home? Guess what I'm fixin' to do? When the SHTF here I'm going to refer my wife to you for answers! This is your fault! (thanks)
First off, Thank you for the support!! Second, if you show her my itemized list on page 1, you can happily point out that you're already doing it more cheaply than I did! My Steven's 200's cost me $340 each, and I had to special order them! Third, point out that you couldn't possibly pass up such a great deal! Last but not least, when that doesn't work (and it won't), make sure you tell her that this is all my fault. You can even show her where I said so!