It has been pointed out to me that I did not RTFM (Read The F_ _ _ing Manual). For that I am now enlightened. However, since Savage does document this feature, wouldn't it be nice for them to point this out prior to learning about it after purchase? Perhaps on their website, listed as an additional safety attribute of the Accu-trigger design?

For what it is worth even the Glock (similar 2 blade design) trigger will fire if the trigger is pressed with side pressure. I'm glad I was not out hunting Grizzly or Kodiak bear with my Savage Model 10 .243 Win and had to learn the hard way that FtF can be human induced!

If the firing pin was released, I heard it (or maybe I heard something else?), why did the cartridge not fire. Maybe what I heard click was not the firing pin being released, I am still learning about my Savage. But if what I heard go click when pulling the trigger with a side motion was the firing pin then I beleive it was a FtF. If it were just the Accu-trigger performing a safety stop witin the trigger housing then it definitely was not a FtF. So I acknowledge your point of no FtF, as the firing pin did not actually release and move forward. There certainly were no pings in the primer base.

Now I AM NOT bashing Savage!!! I will not replace my Accu-trigger as I love the safe, light, factory set break point. When properly pulled it is magnificent and is as good as both of my Sako actions that have had the trigger have had jobs to polish the surfaces and set to 1.5lbs. So I know hat a GOOD trigger is supposed to feel like, in fact the Savage is similar in it's crisp light break point to my Ed Brown 1911. So again I do know what a fine trigger feels like and am quite aware of how much of a benefit to long range accuracy a good crisp light trigger pull is on a rifle. I have paid to get triggers to act like a factory new Savage Accu-trigger!

But the BIG difference is that EVERY time I pull these triggers the guns go BANG! Even my Glock pistols (crappy trigger feel and break point) go bang if their trigger is pulled from the side.

Now let us imagine.....say you are elk hunting in Idaho with a Savage that has an Accu-trigger. Let us continue to proceed to enter the hunting area of a resident wolf pack.....Let us continue to me you did not is mid calf deep with snow.....the wolves are hungry enough to stalk you and fire 3 shots and are down to your last round.....your adrenalin is pumping and your legs are stumbling attempt your last shot that is loaded in the happen to pull the trigger sideways and the rifle does not go BANG.

Hey guys this is obviously a fairy tale not reality. But imagine you are out in Africa hunting Cape Buffalo and your professional hunter (guide) has to pull your hide out of the fire because your Accu-trigger equiped Savage rifle that you inssisted to hunt with did not go bang. Again another fabricated story.

But here are facts, the Savage Accu-trigger does not go bang every time you pull the trigger. Another fact, this is an intentional designed in "safety" feature, NOT, it can in fact be argued that it is a design flaw. I know that I am wide open for the Savage Accu-trigger lovers to begin bashing me to shreds. And that is fine with me as I already admitted to knowingly figuring out that I could repeatedly induce said safety feature, failure to go bang. It was a random circumstance of my improvised shooting setup which created an awkward angle for my wrist on my trigger hand.

Another fact that I hold as true and challenge for you guys to teach me that I am wrong, no other gun manufacturer designs their weapons to not go bang if their trigger is pulled with a sideways predominant pressure. If this is not true please name the weapon so that I can once again admit to being less than informed.

Brothers Savage, I submit for the sake of debate that this documented feature is not a safety improvement. I would not have my finger on the trigger if I did not intend to launch a projectile. A SA/DA pistol with a 10 to 11 pound first pull trigger setting is a safety feature. Even this type of pistol setup goes bang if pulled with a side pressure. In fact it is almost impossible to demonstrate proper trigger form with such a heavy first trigger pull setting.

So let us agree that the Savage Accu-trigger is UNIQUE in the industry, in fact a VAST improvement and differentiator over other liability lawyered designs. I love the Accu-trigger, I just imagine I am like many other experienced shooters, I did not RTFM prior to going to the range and finding out by experience.

Thank you to sa very many Savage Shooters forum member for sharing their combined experience and wisdom with a NEWBIE Savage rifle owner.

Respectfully submitted for thought provocation.