Quote Originally Posted by Szumi View Post
I don't think you have anything to worry about concerning the gun blowing up.

Just tell him you want him to have which ever one he likes the most and you won't be upset if he accepts the one that shoots best. I think that is how you are leaning.

Just out of curiosity, have you considered how to handle this if he isn't willing to accept your gift. There are some people, you just can't give things to. I do hope this works out well for the both of you. If he is one of those that can't take a gift this big, I hope you understand he is still likely gratified by your effort to give thanks.

How did you pick the scope? I need to get one for my 10 FCP before winter is over.
What distances are you going to shoot? Just target shooting or hunting? Both?

I have a 10 FCP K.