Well I guess the custom barrel makers will be out of business, as well as a bunch of custom rifle makers. No need to spend the big bucks when a $400 Savage will do all of the above. Those are very impressive groups and I have no reason to doubt their validity. Many seem to have been done with little or no load development and nothing special in the way of loading bench technique. I hope none of you ever come to our little competition.......you will go home with all the birds.

I guess I AM the only guy that has trouble getting rifles to shoot....well. Thanks for the defence Thomae.

What I was looking for was information on scopes, rifle prep, loading bench technique, shooting technique, use of wind flags and anything else you use to wring the best of of your rifles. But, it appears all that stuff is unnecessary. Maybe I am overthinking this subject. I keep thinking of all the guys the show up at out little competition with one hole rifles and after shooting they don't even bother going down to look at their target, just pack up and go home. HUM

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