Quote Originally Posted by memilanuk View Post
Never seen nor heard of such a critter, but I'm starting to develop a hankerin' for such.
Specifically, I'm interested in something that looks like the knurled cap (rough equivalent of the BAS) on the back of a Barnard bolt. I think it might look kinda classy on a Savage...
Here are some pics from the Barnard site that should illustrate what I'm talking about:

I'm kind of planning ahead for a custom Palma rifle build that I have in mind... and I'd really like to see if I can get a custom BAS like this. Not sure if there is anything special, in metallurgical terms, about the hardness or material of the BAS...?
I can see on problem with doing this, and that is getting things tight, and keeping them tight. If you ever had an old 110 with the big slot screw BAS, you would know what I mean. They are a PIA to get tight, and keep tight.