One thing to keep in mind about electronic scales is that they don't like freezing temperatures--that must toast the load cell. At least, that's what the manual for my RCBS chargemaster says. My main loading space is in an unheated garage, so I recently got a beam scale to use out there when I bring the electronic back into the house for the winter.

+2 on the Forster Co-Ax. I've been using one for 15+ years (along with redding, rcbs, dillon) and I just recently bought another for convenience. Other than the Dillon for high volume stuff, the Co-Ax is what I use. One drawback to the Co-Ax is that if you are loading for cartridges with very different base diameters ( .25 acp, .308, 338 Lapua) you would need to change out the jaws. The standard jaws work OK for 223--belted mag, so if you are staying in that range the Co-Ax would be a fine choice. One nice thing about the Co-Ax (and Dillon) is that the spent primers drop down through a hole in the press so everything stays clean.

Oh, and get yourself a separate hand primer. I like the new RCBS's with the universal case holder.

Best of luck,