Quote Originally Posted by richhelton View Post
blkhog, thanks for that info. We have trapped/shot around 25 in the past couple months and because of our experience with mine, we haven't tried to cook any others.

I won't be able to get back to the states for probably 6 months, but I will pass on the info to the rest of the family and maybe they'll get lucky with one.
Don't let one bad experience turn you off. I've cooked and eaten plenty of meat from large (> 250 lbs.) boars and the vast majority of it smelled fine while cooking and tasted delicious. And I'm talking pure cuts of meat (hams, ribs, chops, etc) rather than sausage. The biggest factors at play here are the condition of the animal at the time of the kill, it's diet, field dressing and, to a lesser extent, the animal's age. A buck chock-full of adrenaline during the rut when you shoot him is going to yield gamey meat. If your pig came running in to the area responding to the sound of those in the trap then there's a fair chance that he was hopped up on adrenaline at the time.