Well.... It just got more interesting.
I have new Weaver rings, next size taller & I have another bolt handle. I replaced the rings as soon as I got them & notice there's more room between the back of the bolt handle & the eyepiece of the scope. Barely.
I have a second, unmodified bolt handle & decided to swap it out. No joy. The unmodified bolt handle hits the scope eyepiece WITH the new higher rings.
One more time.... Take it all apart, check, measure, inspect, fondle, put it all back together. Same thing.

I think I'm going to go with my original suspicion. It's just one of those things. The Nikon eyepiece is just big enough in diameter & sets back far enough to allow the back of the bolt handle to hit it.
The forward ring & mount is set as far back as it can go. Both bolt handles are identical in size, shape, radius, color....

I'll still try to put up a photo or two when I have a chance. Problem 1 - I need to figure out how to post photos. I hope it's the same or similar to the old site. Problem no. 2 - My laptop - 2 months old - locked up & stopped working. All I see is the Blue Screen of Death on it. Not happy about that at all...

In any event, IF... and I know it's a big "if".... IF any of y'all plan on mounting a Nikon Prostaff 4 - 12x w/BDC reticle on your Edge (or Axis), check your scope eyepiece clearance before you buy rings. I have a sneaking suspicion that's just the way things are.
Later y'all. It's been a busy week & I think I'll rest up for a full day of shooting tomorrow..... in the 96 degree heat. Welcome to summer.

Frank in Fla