I bought my first .220 Swift in 1965 some 30 years after it was introduced. It was a beautiful Winchester Model 70 Super Grade. No gopher, jackrabbit, or varmint in all of Northern California was safe. I killed three deer with that rifle; two neck shots and one in the lungs.

The biggest problem in those days was getting suitable bullets for hunting. Only a couple of custom makers were around (Ralph Sisk in Texas?). Later, Nosler came out with the 55grn Zippedo solid base/jacket bullet and made life a lot better for us .220 Swift, 22/250 shooters. Now you have a plethora of good bullets.

The .220 Swift is a Prima Dona. The brass stretches, OAL is important, powder choice is important, and barrel life can be an issue. Do not overheat the barrel, clean it often and, like any Prima Dona, treat it right and it will reward.
