Quote Originally Posted by ellobo
First question. Why the **** are you pulling the trigger then flicking the safety off. There is no fix for that, you are releasing the sear by doing that. flick the safety off THEN pull the trigger to fire it.. Second, why are you pushing the trigger back forward after pulling it with the safety on? Are you expecting it to go bang if the trigger is forward again? It wont, you have reset the sear. Now it should fire normaly by pulling the trigger.

El Lobo
You ever forget that the safety is on? I do sometimes. It happens.

Anyway, let's just say you forget the safety is on and pull the trigger to shoot, crap the safety is on, flick the safety off and the rifle fires. While messing with it, I found that if you "reset" the trigger by pushing it back forward, it won't fire when the safety is clicked off.
I say it has a problem. That's why I asked the simple question of what may be wrong.

Next time, use a little tact when responding, I don't take lightly to your condescending tones. And if you don't like it, don't respond to my posts ever again


Eric in NC... I'll look into that, probably gonna find a gunsmith to go over the trigger mechanism. Thanks for the advice.