Killed another doe with this load Sat. morning. She was standing broadside at 150 yds. I went out with the idea of shooting one thru the ribs and lungs to check exppansion when less bone is encountered. I guess my mind went into auto pilot when I looked thru the scope, because I shot her with my normal shoulder shot. (The older I get, the less I like to blood track and drag deer back up hills). The bullet blew thru both shoulder blades and and disconnected all of the plumbing to her heart and lungs. She dropped her in her tracks. Once again, I could just stick my little finger in the exit hole.

I'm now very confident that this bullet will definately do the job when heavy bone is encountered. I still don't know what it will do with the classic, double lung, behind the shoulder shot.

It has got me thinking that this might accually be a fur friendly load for coyotes. If such a thing is possible with a 25-06 AI. The only thing that keeps me from testing this theory is the fact that my AI wieghs in at around 12 lb. and my cut down barrel 223 weighs 6-1/2.

Apache, maybe you or Outlawkyote can try them out on the coyotes.