I don't have a spitfire yet, but after reading about them on preadatormasters, I think I'm going to get one. The remote sounds easier to use than the FX3. About the only "down side" between the two is you can't load the calls directly into the unit on the spitfire. You have to use a card reader for the memory chip. Plus it has 24 calls instead of 32. I think I can handle the difference. It also only has 1 internal speaker with 5 volume settings, but the feedback I'm reading says it still goes plenty loud and the sound is clear. You can also hook up an external speaker, plus it has the AUX for hooking up the jack-in-the-box if you wish.

Half the price of an FX3 is a huge plus for me. It will mean I can get the caller right after Christmas, instead of a few months later. I have too many hobbies to spread too little money around in!

(not that that's a bad thing i guess) ;D