Gentlemen, I really appreciate the input from each of you. You have line item by line item gone through all the things I have checked. To let you know where I am on this, I inked 2 loaded rounds completely with a Sharpie. Not just 3 lines down the lenght but the whole thing, and what it has shown me is my problem is with the necks. That's the only place that the ink is completely disturbed (slight 'pressure' on one other area of the ink but not what I call disturbed). I really feel that the necks of the brass was to hard and not relaxing to allow easy removal. I have read as much as I can find about the annealing process and have performed that on 6 test rounds that I feel were done correctly by showing the correct color and similarity to factory annealed cases. As time permits, I will clean, load, and test fire these rounds and let you guys know the results.