Hey JC,
I checked their website for prices and they are a few bucks higher on everything I use like Noslers, powder, primers & brass.
Unfortuneatly, I need to buy a few hundred bucks worth of stuff from Natchez in order to compensate for shipping & haz-fee. If I pay the extra, enjoy the ride to & from, look around the store a little, make a new friend, etc - I think I end up ahead of the game if I try Bass Pro.

Notice how I talked myself into going there to buy stuff? Ya think I can convince the 'lil woman? ::)

I'll need to go there anyway. Here on the east coast of central Fla. NOBODY sells reloading goodies. The one gun shop that has some distant family members as owners in my area stopped carrying reloading stuff due to lack of demand. That leaves me stuck with driving to Orlando (50 to 60 mins) to use these Winchester Certificates I have. They're reimbursement for a box of defective primers I got from Natchez. Winchester was nice enough to replace the primers, two bolt faces & a few bucks for aggravation.
Darn nice of them, i say. If only I could spend them now.... >