I had a half dozen 30.06 cases to anneal. Instead of setting up the drill, bucket of quench and so on, I did them by rotating the case between my thumb & first finger in the propane heat & dipped them in my iced tea as soon as the case was hot enough to make me want to drop it. The color was perfect. Approx. 8 to 9 seconds will do it.
And yes, I did finish drinking the tea. Waste not, want not....

By the way, I set the flame differently depending on the brand. I notice Rem cases take a little longer so I set the flame a little higher to cover more area. Fed seems to go the fastest so the flame is the lowest.

The few times I overcooked a case or two, the still worked. Not necessarily as good as I would have liked, but they still work.

My S.O.P. is the drill & socket method. I have it down to a science for the different brands. Propane is my fuel of choice. Slow rotation on hi heat gets it done. Water to cool instead of iced tea. Look for the dull bluish color. Any indication of red, stop immediately. Every third firing.