Caliber size with play a HUGH part in this. A powder will preform completly different in one cartrdige than in another. Case in point a 30BR you can not get too much 4198 into the case to get pressure, try filling a 22BR up the same way, and I think your insurace premimum will pay off. Also case capisity will also detwemin this a bit. Then to add the more powder you place in the cartridge the more time it will take to burn, alsp remember that some cartridges not all powders are right for it, try using 4150 in a 6BR, it just dont have enough case capisity to use the powder. With that all said most cartidges use similar burn rate powders, per the projectial weight, you not going to find a cartriidge that preforms well with two powders on the opsite sides of the map an example is N133 and Rutombo. More importantly than anything is to find the optimal barrel length for the cartridgeore you want to use.
This will get you in the ball park of what is optimal for the cartridge. (FAQs section.),508.0.html