I hate when people tell me what to do with my guns, so please don't take this as something like that. I am just thinking out loud. I am not sure that you are gaining anything over a 300 mag velocity wise and you are tearing up your barrel alot faster then a 300 mag. I understand that some people have a multi purpose gun, and if that is what this is then disreguard everything that I said. But IF it were me, hunting season is a time to turn the gun up. My 30-378 is shooting hornady 225's at around 3400. I tried to shoot berger bullets both 185 and 210 but they wont stay in one piece due to the long barrel and according to berger, the explanation says that the friction of a long barrel melts the inside due to the thin jacket. I am going to go with the 208 amax for the high BC value and the fact that it is a hunting bullet. Again to each his own, dont take this as anything more then my opinion.