Quote Originally Posted by jmo82
I have a unmodded m 11 .223 and i am having the same issue with factory ammo (fiochhi 50gr vmax) What would cause this condition?

When you get right down to the nitty gritty it can only be the fault of one thing. The ammo.
If that Fiocchi is shooting bugholes for ya you might learn to accept it. I know it would bug the he!! out of me simply because it should'nt happen but.........

You may want to make sure its blowby leaking around the case and not simply leaking around those Fiocchi primers.
I bought some Fiocchi primers about four years ago. I think I've used about ten so far

Blowby around the case is unsightly and indicitave of not enough pressure or severely hardened brass. Neither is very dangerous in a Savage action.
Leaking around the primer could eventually scar your bolt face. Still not very dangerous to the shooter in a Savage action.
We can thank the solid rear bolt on the Sav action for that.