To answer your second question.
Quote Originally Posted by 300magman
Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone offers semi-custom prefits with options as to neck diamension and throating length, but still at a price that is somewhat more affordable than a full on custom fitted barrel. . . . or would I basically have to pay to have a custom remear or remears built to achieve this kind of customization. (I'm sure this question reveals exactly how ignorant I am, but I am still reading and researching exactly how these things are done, so please excuse my lack of knowledge for the moment...I am endeavouring to learn)
SSS can do what ever you could possibly want.
Shilen has a long list of options, it would be hard to believe that they dont cover what you are looking for.
Other barrel sellers can also order or rent reamers, and again it would be hard not to get whaat your looking for.