New to the world of predator hunting, made 2 sets last spring before the snow melted with no success. Had a couple howl back but along ways off.

This year, outfitted myself with a foxpro spitfire and bought a fan cooled snowmachine(that's snowmobile for you non-alaskans) for covering more ground, Alaska specifically where I am doesn't have the coyote population that the western U.S. does so the need to cover ground is priority one.

I work 3 weeks on, 3 weeks off and just got home from work Monday. Been itching for 7 months to call again, have been reading/watching everything I can get my hands on over the summer and fall.

Anyways, had a little tip 3 weeks ago on where some coyotes might be a few miles from the house. Having just got home my 22-250 need ammo loaded and zereod, wanting to get out I decided to sling the mini 30 over my back and just go check out this swamp I'd never been to before, thinking I would just go sneak a peak and wouldn't find much.

Setup with the sun at my back and wind was so little it was hard to determine direction, mostly off my 2 o'clock postiton, parked the sled about 75yds up wind from me. The whole setup wasn't ideal but due to a recent warm spell i didn't wanna ride through to much grass, scrub brush. I figured what the heck I'll try it anyways.

Well as I shut the sled off I hear some howling off in the distance, probably a good 1/2-3/4 of a mile off, good sign I thought. Set the fox pro in a short black spruce about 3 feet off the ground, set up about 30yds away, gave it a few minutes to settle down and started with some lone howls, tried a few different coyote calls with a little talk from the group I heard when I got there. Suddenly 90 degrees to the right of where I thought someone might show up, a lone dog starts barking, he's close probably within 300yds, get turned in his direction and by now I realize he busted the sled parked. I knew I should of hid it better. He was in the perfect spot to see it too. Dam. Well he seemed to really respond to pup howls, screams and stuck around in the tree line for a good 15-20 mins going back and forth barking/ short howls. Finally moving off to the north I gave it 5 mins after I though he was gone and decided well losing daylight better get moving.

Pick up my gear and go back to the sled, totally jacked about the encounter. Looking at where he would of been I thought what the heck I'll ride over and check out the tracks, 250 yds from where I was. Only to hear another howl off to the north of me, made a couple short 400 yd hops across the swamp, on the second one I grabbed the caller and look to the tree line, catch movement, two dogs 400-450 yds sneaking into the woods, again they stopped twice to pup howls and screams. By now I'm dying for my 22-250, finally they wonder off into the trees, leaving me disappointed, but really jacked up by the experience. Never had one so close or seen one yet.

Morale of the story, learn from rookie mistakes and have the 22-250 ready to go.