hey just wondering if any of you folks have had the idea and then proceeded to modify a stock. for instance i have a stevens 200 and the stock is not so good, so i was going to get 1 from stockade but i have problems with spending that much on something like that, i know others would not but i do. plus this gun is really going to be for just varmint hunting and riding in the truck, so i do not need an expensive stock for what i do. so i took it upon myself to modify it. I started out by looking at other stocks and getting an idea of what i would want and i decided that i really like the A5 style of stock. so i got me some plywood and cut some strips to go under and along side the existing fore arm. i then screwed them to the stock to stiffen things up abit. after that i took the dremmil and gave myself a bit more of clearance on the barrel channel. as of right now that is all i have done but i plan on sanding and shaping some more areas with some bondo or something like that, when i get it all shaped and sanded i plan to fiberglass over it all for better cosmetics, and then some paint. I know some of you will probly wonder why i do this instead of just buying what i want well it has to do with money basically and i also get bored living here in town where there is nothing for me to do. plus the wood was freeand it was raining outside so i went int in to the garage and started to biuld. back to the beginning now i would like to see pics of ya'lls work and i will try to get some of mine up also.