My Girlfriend started shooting this last march, had never shot a gun before, but she picked it up QUICK. I bought her a 270 and topped it with A Burris I had laying around.I also loaded up some 140 accu-bonds for it and we spent all summer shooting. she is an awesome shot and would ring the bell every time out to 600 yards.Washington elk season started and we would hunt around the house on weekends and after work. the second to the last day we went out in the afternoon to a spot I had never seen elk in before, but it just had that look about it. As we approached the meadow I started glassing the other side and spotted 2 bulls, A rag horn and a spike. we moved to the left to get A clear shot and I ranged them at 371. I got prone and was going to back her up and thats when I spotted the other bulls bedded down behind the first two. I told her when she was ready to shoot the rag horn in the shoulder when she was ready. She was shaking so bad she couldn't get settled so I had her adjust her position and shoot prone off her pack. As she was settling down she touched the trigger and sent a round into the dirt 5feet in front of us,the gun popped her in the lip, but did settle her the spike at the shot had jumped in front of the rag horn. I told her to take a deep breath and shoot the spike. at the shot the spiked dropped in his tracks and I tried to slip a round into the neck of the big six but missed. she didnt see the spike drop and when the rest ran off she turned to me and said" let me guess, I missed" I told her no you dropped him in his tracks, look he is laying right there. she took one look through the scope and started shaking really bad and was all smiles, she looked at me and said what an adrenialan Rush. I started laughing and told her now you know why we love to hunt.I have hunted for most of my life and taken countless big game animals, But I must confess, That was one of the GREATEST experiences of my life. Now all she wants to do is hunt. she has already told me that she is gonna learn to bird hunt, and we are hunting for late season deer. I might have created a monster, one thing I do know is my hunting budget is goona have to go up!