hello all, spent the last two days reading this site and still have some questions.
1. I am a new member because i am a new savage owner. I bought a savage because i wanted a gun that was accurate out of the box and not a showboat like some other brands( looks good but needs mucho work to make accurate). also i never buy the most popular thing. enought about me.

2. my gun is light...LIGHT. 11 flns is kicking my butt. fired about 60 rounds through it and i am still sore today. took the recoil pad off the gun and found not a solid stock but styrofoam in stock ( not solid styrofoam but just a block of it wedged in there). is that normal for this rifle. I have read about adding weight to the stock but my question is it more affective to fill the stock with foam with a gap for weights or put the weights in and then fill with foam(i have a tube to put iron washers in that i could put in the first then fill with foam or should i forget about the tube and just perma bond the washers in there.)

3. the option of getting a new stock to add weight seems out of my hands/ price range only real option seems to be the choate stock because of the left handed action. looked at boyds they only make LHRB for savage that i could find. stocky has non listed for me. any others yall can think of i would think about but looking in the 100-150 range. wife is pissed already about the amount i spent on last 3 guns.

that seems to about cover it please any advice i will take
