Well, another one is in the record books. Some very good shooting by folks from all across the country, and a well run match overall. I shot F-Open with my 6 Dasher in the individuals, and got thumped pretty good. Darrell shot his 12 F/TR and despite feeling like his ammo wasn't running at top performance still managed to take sixth overall in the F/TR class. My 12 F/TR was good for a 198-8x in the 1000yd team match - with the shooter throwing an 8 low and right due to a bad position on one shot

The real news is two-fold: first, F/TR just exploded from the last two years. Up from 30-35 to 56-57 competitors in that class alone which is great to see. The overall number of shooters was about the same as in past years (140-150), but F/TR made up a significantly bigger portion. Second, the number of Savage rifles on the line was staggering. Anything from full-blown custom rigs like mine, to bone-stock 12 F/TR and F-Class rifles, and every thing in between. I didn't sit down and count 'em, but I'm guessing at least 20 different Savage rifles. At *least*.

Something that came to mind while looking at all these different rifles and talking with various folks... I started to wonder if there'd be any interest in perhaps having a meet-n-greet dinner at someplace near the range at the next FCNC in Sacramento next spring (tail end of March) so like-minded folks could get together and talk and compare notes and such. If it were at the range itself perhaps people could show off their rifles as well - a lot of times during a big match you see a cool gun sitting in the ready area but don't see the owner (on the opposite relay), or see someone with their rifle but don't want to bother them when they are getting ready to shoot.

Just a thought. Anywho, time to hit the road and head back to WA state.

