Jim, Did you search this forum to find out about cycling issues with the A17? I don't have one but I had an A22 and it cycled OK, tho I disliked the whole cycle/reset process of the action. You don't have many choices for ammo, but trying others may be an option if S doesn't fix it this time. Personally I would have visited a local 'smith or someone nearby you may know to look at the rifle. Since S didn't fix it b4, I would not have given them another chance. Y'know, "fool me once . . . "
Here is the result of searching (from the upper right corner of each page) - I don't know why it's resulting in a 'Google' answer. "Never used to" but I just upgraded Microsoft y-day.
http s://www.google.com/search?sitesearch=savageshooters.com&q=a17+cycling &submit.x=0&submit.y=0&domains=savageshooters.c om