I am Doug from SP. Been member of SP since 2008 over 1500 post. I am retired FF/EMT. Been a Contender NUT since 1978. Have probably owned over 100 frames and close to 1000 barrels over the years. Used to love the Big Boomers, my first custom was a SSK 375 JDJ. Now I lean more toward the smaller calibers with my favorite being an OTT Step Barrel in 20 VarTarg.
My God & Family are first. I am Husband to my Wife & Best Friend (A breast cancer Survivor of 10 years) YES God is Good. I am a Father of 4 and a Grandfather of 9. Never knew what I was missing until I was called PaPa!!
My God has met all my needs and More of my Wants than I ever deserved

Look forward to being a part of this forum and thanks to you all for the warm welcome