Shooting at One Mile is quite difficult. Saying it’s not is simply disingenuous. Shooting at 100yds is not difficult. Anyone with even a shred of basic skill can hit a man sized target over & over again. Even a hundred shots taken, & not one will miss. At a mile, there are variables beyond our control. Wind being the largest. And the flight time adding to that. There is a certain amount of pure CHANCE at a mile or more. Very, very few can hit the same man sized target even 2 back to back shots at one mile. Regardless of caliber/cartridge. Now make that 5, or 10 shots in a row? Fagettaboutit! Probably a handful of people in the world! Probably a handful of people in the world! And non of them are posting here!

Watch videos on YouTube showing a Mile shooting. They look like this.

It’s HIT…MISS…HIT…MISS…MISS…MISS…HIT, etc. all over the place. I’ve watched hundreds & hundreds of videos. And a back to back HITS at 1 Mile are few and far between. And some are questionable do to editing. Show me your unedited 10 consecutive hits at 1 Mile, and my hat’s off to you. Tell me you do it? Well, OK.