So I take my 7mm stw model 114 to the farm to start sighting this thing in, I’ve sent this gun to savage for some chamber work, had the stock glass bedded, triggered to 3lbs.
I noticed before I left the house the safety wouldn’t move a couple different times even after re-engaging the bolt back and fourth a few times, then noticed it seemed to be working right, so…….I’m thinking I just didn’t bolt the rifle or half bolted it.
I start shooting, it’s operating fine then after chambering the 3rd round I can’t get the safety to move into the ON position, now I’m scratching my head, this is what this gun was doing before I started shooting it today….so I fire the 3rd shot, open the bolt, eject the brass, close the bolt and the safety worked fine……
I drop in the 4th round , close the bolt and the gun FIRES on its own…….totally caught me off guard , now I know I’ve got a problem but was starting to suspect one anyway.

Take the gun home take the stock off of it ..inspect it..and no matter what I do this thing runs fine OUT of the stock, bolt the stock back on and I start having the same problem, so I take the stock back off, I dremel tool anything in this stock that relatively looks like it may cause a problem but I can’t seem to fix the problem with the stock on …..

Its going to a gunsmith today to try to resolve this problem..??

Whats your take on the problem?? this is a older 114 “pre” accutrigger

Has anyone ever seen this issue before??