I just got a .308 in hardwood and there is basically zero recoil pad on it. My axis is my first gun that's not a .22, and my shoulder is pretty messed up on my shooting arm from an old injury so I'm looking for something that can help cushion some of the blow from the recoil.

From my understanding the hardwood especially kicks like an SOB for a beginner rifle, and I'm trying to not have my shoulder messed up the next day.

From what I saw on my new gun (the whole 30 minutes I actually had it in my possession) there is very little to no recoil pad on it to begin with.

I should be able to bring it home in about 2 weeks and I'm trying to find a recoil pad so when I do bring it home I can go shooting for the day without regretting it the next day.

I cannot find anything online on the stock size of it either so I can buy one for it.