Don & Chisel,

We have SUCCESS! Great team troubleshooting. We learn something new every day that we can pass along to others. Saved me a return trip to Savage for repairs, which I'm happy about since other ammo calibers are still hard to find/justify paying.

I did notice the discrepancy last night, but it was already 1:30 AM for us workday peeps. Needless to say, that sear safety screw (marked with pencil arrow in image) was not high enough. Luckily for me (even without a slot for screwdriver), I was able to remove, clean and reapply at an effective height with some blue loctite to start. There was some old red loctite in the slot, but apparently the set screw did not hold and lowered over time, I presume.

I am a PC alum - 1997!

Happy shooting, folks!
