Quote Originally Posted by yobuck View Post
The very first sentence here says all that needs to be said on the subject Charlie.
You were dead on with what you said.
Fact is there are people out there who for whatever reason need to make things appear more difficult than what they actually are.
As a rule a chart made up by entering all the required data on the gun on any of the numerous sites available today will give good basic information.
A few years ago Kestrals were simply a gadget new shooters bought thinking it would solve all the wind reading issues.
But they had to regroup in order to stay in business, so today they can even tell you what your bank balance is.
AND, if you can convince that big buck over there to not move till you get all the data you need dialed into your scope, they might actually work well.
But of coarse if he dosent, or for some reason he runs off a ways, then he needs to stay put again till you reenter all the new data.
Or you could simply use the chart you made up 5 years ago for a different gun when you lived in a different state and just send a sighter shot over there.
And you know what? you will be much closer than you might think.
And you know what else? That deer most likely wont even move, and if the hit is real close, he might even sniff where the bullet hit.
And you know what else? theres no excuse for missing him with the second shot. lol
As for scope type, it matters not one bit which one you pick or prefer. What matters is that you know how to use it without thinking about it.
We as a rule use the one shot zero method for follow up shots where the miss was more than we feel comfortable just holding over.
If your not familiar with that method, get familiar with it and practice using it.
Thats the type thing that will put meat on the pole more so than razzel dazzel group shooting.
Again, I can't tell - is this directed to me?

Just like your other comment I quoted - "Did somebody here just ask about where these sites are going? Well this is where folks." - it always feels like there's more than just information included in your replies.

I did some basic testing of long range loads and made-up a card with my ballistic data - is that over-thinking it?

You've got some good insight from experience, but there's always a little something else...